
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Small Business Saturday

Today was Small Business Saturday. Thanks to my handy-dandy AmEx, I had $25 to spend at a local small business. Thanks for being supportive American Express! All I had to do was make a qualifying purchase and AmEx would credit my account $25.  Who could say no?  I looked up the small businesses in the area and was thrilled to find that both of my favorite local running stores qualified!  I ended up at Runner's Corner in Orem.  I felt like a kid in a candy store!  I was in the store for at least 30 minutes trying to decide what I wanted.  I kept going back and forth between something sensible, like new socks to something a little more fun, like neon arm warmers. I decided to go for something that, as the guy who checked me out said, was sensible and fun:

I bought The Stick.

Sensible - for my tight muscles. And fun - the package says that it is like "A toothbrush for your muscles". How is that not fun? My calf muscles are pretty much always tight, no matter how much a stretch (but I will admit that I am not always the best at stretching) So, hopefully using The Stick to keep up on my "muscle hygiene" (like dental hygiene...the whole toothbrush thing...get it?) will help my little calf muscles to chill out. I will let you know how it goes. 

To celebrate, we also went to Yogurtland! I had the good fortune of guessing the correct flavor that they will have on the first day of their 12 Days of Christmas.  Honestly, I have just been dreaming about them having an eggnog flavor during the holidays and I lucked out that it was also the correct answer to their twitter contest. So it was free day extraordinaire! Free $25! Free Yogurt!  I never even knew that Small Business Saturday existed, and now it is one of my favorite days of the year!

Thankful thought for the day:

I am thankful for FROYO! I may have a problem. I love it. A lot. But we won't talk about that. Let's just say I am thankful for it.

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