
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Long Runs and Donut Runs

This morning I think I cracked the key to an incredible long run.  For the last couple of weeks one of my really good friends, Kate, has joined me on my long runs. She is one of two friends that I love to run with, but we have been missing our third. Meggy isn't really up to the mileage that we have been putting in, so she has just been sleeping in on Saturday mornings. We had 6.5 planned for today and were feeling incomplete about running without a third of our group. We also felt bad that she was missing out on these gorgeous canyon runs,  so today we decided to make a plan where she would meet up with us halfway through the run. We ran a couple of miles up the canyon, picked up Meggy at Nunns Park, and ran back down.

Seriously, it was the best idea ever.  About 3/4 of a mile before we reached the park we met up with a guy who was doing his last long run before he runs the New York Marathon in a couple of weeks. We ran together for a bit, swapped stories, and before we knew it, we ran into Megan and turned around to head down the canyon. Picking her up felt like hitting the reset button on our run. It felt like we had just started! All of the previous miles felt like they had never happened! We had an awesome run and we all met our goals for the day. Even our friends who don't run - we included them as well...

As soon as we finished our run we met some other friends for donuts at the Provo Bakery. Donuts are a good recovery food - right?  Well, maybe not, but there is nothing quite like a chocolate milk and a maple bar after putting in some quality miles while everyone else is still asleep in their beds.

By the way, this morning's run was my second longest ever and I felt great afterwards. I had been feeling really nervous about my half marathon in January, and now I am feeling much more hopeful! WDW here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. I have done several long runs where I run down to my friends apartment, she joins me for 5 or 6 miles and then I run home which gets me the distance I need but lets me have fun and break up the run a little bit by picking her up and socializing. Totally helps your mental take on a run! I'm jealous that you were running in a canyon though!!
