
Monday, July 30, 2012

Good news!

Hooray for today! I ran my first pain-free mile in 2 months! This is a Christmas miracle, as there are only 34 days left until my half marathon! Looks like training is going to be quite the adventure! I can't wait. It will include a LOT of cross training, and I am totally ok with that. This means that I won't have to end my love affair with the spin bike.

I am getting antsy for Disneyland. Half of my family is there right now and I am experiencing some serious Disney envy. However, I am grateful for these 33 days of training and will therefore gladly and patiently wait for my turn at the Happiest Place on Earth.

In other news, (yes, I know I am a major geek) Ragnar retweeted me! Of course, it was over a month ago, but somehow the RT got lost in the shuffle and I just found it today. I feel so official.

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