
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This week so far has been one of the hardest I have had in a while. And by a while, I mean A VERY LONG TIME. I got some bad news the other day that completely turned my world upside down. I am having a really hard time trying to make sense of it all and have realized that this isn't going to be reconciled any time soon. It is messy and complicated and pretty much devastating.

Last night I felt completely overwhelmed by all of it and woke up feeling much more at peace, but still completely at a loss for what to make of all of it. Luckily, I have some incredible friends who will stand by me through anything, and who were there for me so I wouldn't have to be alone.  When I checked my email this morning there was my Runner's World quote of the day. I am constantly amazed at how these quotes so often seem hand picked just for me. This was today's:

I don't know if running changed my life or if I changed my life for running, but who cares really? My feet keep moving, my arms keep pumping, and my mantra keeps rolling, "Be patient. You got this."

Valerie DiMambro

"Be patient. You got this." 

I ran 6 miles with The Blur yesterday. It was really slow because I have a cold and I am still recovering from last week's sprained ankle, but I kept thinking that as long as I kept moving, I could do this. Not very long ago I never would have dreamed that I could run even 6 miles, but now, even after being off of my ankle for a week and before that out of commission from my surgery, I knew that I was strong enough to do this run. 

I think that the same is true of my life right now. I feel like I am suffering from a major emotional injury right now, but I can do this. Because this is SO MUCH bigger than me, I just need to hand it off to God and remember that he has it all under control. All that is left for me is to do is to be patient, and to keep moving forward. I've got this. I truly believe that we are all so much stronger than we think we are.  This is just a good opportunity for that to be proven to me. 

BTW, also when I opened my email this morning I found out that I had won the nuun giveaway at I run, therefore, I am! What great news on a difficult day like today! Thanks!

 Thankful thought for the day:

Serunity.  I am so grateful for the clarity and perspective that a good run brings to my life. Whether it is working stuff out while I pound the pavement, or relying on those endorphins when I get back, I am so thankful that running is a part of my life.


  1. Hoping things get better for you! For me, hitting the pavement when I'm dealing with emotional stress is a great means of therapy.

  2. Hi - so I woke up to a text message from my training partner that morning that said, "Holy sh*t, girl! You are the RW Quote of the Day!" I thought it was pretty cool - and never even thought about how people who I hadn't even met or spoken to would be receiving that same email that morning.
    After seeing your blog (and also a few other places where this has been re-posted), I feel extremely grateful that the running community is so supportive.
    I hope the stress has let up, and you have enjoyed every mile on your journey.
    Keep up with the blog! It is really inspiring in itself!
    -Valerie D.
